Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birthday Parties -- Not Just for the Young

Some of our wonderful neighbors had a birthday party for their sweet son over the weekend. We always enjoy getting to hang out, and we thought Cullen might have fun at the party, too. I am SO looking forward to the day Cullen is old enough to have one of these parties. They hosted at an inflatables place with laser tag. I'm not sure who had the most fun, but I think the adults enjoyed it just as much as the kids did. One of our other neighbors is actually discussing having her husband's next birthday at the Inflatable Katy. I think we might not be entirely grown up just yet. :) I didn't get to play laser tag, but I had a great time watching James run around like a kid and Cullen dance all over the place.

Cullen is getting so vocal these days. When we get to school in the morning, he says hi to all of the other teachers. I'm totally biased, but it is beyond cute. The director of the day care calls Cullen her "boyfriend," and each morning she says to him, " Hi Boyfriend!" when we walk in. He says "hi" to her and blows a kiss. I'm a little jealous that he cares for her so much, but I'm so happy to see that he has a special spot in her heart.

His newest vocal trend is saying "mama" or "daddy" before something. It is new for James and I to have to respond to a different name. We're getting the hang of it, but Cullen always reminds us when we don't respond as quickly as he'd like. This past Saturday, he walked up to me and said, "Mama apple." When I brought out his apple snacks, he clapped for me. I think he's proud of us for finally figuring out what he's already been telling us for months.

xoxo ashley

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