Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Is Coming

Spring is coming. I feel absolutely certain of it. Cullen, Scout and I took a long walk today, and little man felt the wind on his toes for the very first time. I'm pretty sure he loved it. I have recently been making an effort to get outside with Cullen at least 3 times a week. Going for walks in the neighborhood, jogging in Memorial Park, or just swinging in the backyard. I want him to love fresh air.

After nearly two weeks of misery and sickness in our house, things are finally looking up. We are continuing breathing treatments with Cullen, but it is all getting easier. Maybe he'll even go back to sleeping at nights soon. I'm not getting my hopes up. Having a sick baby is probably the worst feeling in the whole world.

I am trying to remember to be grateful for the health we have in our home. In a previous post, I mentioned a little girl with cancer. If you are interested in learning more about her and better ways to pray for her family, the website is Layla Grace is a beautiful little girl, and she has been such a blessing for me. I have never met her, but she has reminded me to be thankful for my many blessings, to pray each time it crosses my mind, and she has helped me get up on Sunday mornings and get my little family to church. Each week, we are trying out a new church until we find one that feels like home.

Today, Cullen is four months old. It is so hard to believe that four months has already flown by. Some days, it seems like he looks more like a little boy than a baby. I am torn between pride and tears. God has blessed us with a beautiful, healthy baby boy, and I don't think I could love him any more. One of my favorite activities is watching him sleep. It amazes me how deeply babies sleep.

Lately, Cullen has been taking naps after his breathing treatments. I do the treatments with him wearing only a diaper so that his clothes don't get damp, so he naps in just a diaper. I honestly think he naps better this way. Just a diaper, sprawled out, clutching his frog in his hot little hand. I love my son.

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