Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quick Trips and Quiet Time

If it isn't yet obvious, we don't slow down. This past weekend, we went to Austin for a friend's wedding. We had a lot of fun seeing people and catching up, and we were so happy to be a part of Brandon & Amy's celebration. To add to the excitement, we got to see James's sister and her husband, one of James's cousins, and my brother. It all passed by far too quickly, but we soaked up as much as we could. We had lunch at Iron Cactus on Saturday and Moonshine brunch on Sunday. Per the usual, I feel a little homesick.

When we got home, James and I decided to do a dry run of the hamburgers he's going to make for our neighborhood hamburger cook off this weekend. James is the griller, but he's humoring me by letting me come up with the premise for his burger. I don't want to unveil any secrets just yet, but Cullen got to help me make part of it. He is always so interested in what I am doing in the kitchen, so I pulled a chair up to the counter and let him "help." Mostly, he just stabbed at the bowl with a spatula and banged on the counter with a wooden spoon. He had fun. The headache I got doesn't count.
Mommy's Little Helper

A ride home in our car is never calm, rarely quiet, and always entertaining. I caught this picture of Cullen a couple of nights ago. James had taken off his boots for the drive home, and Cullen insisted on holding them on his lap. He laughed and played peekaboo with them the whole way home.
Big boots to fill?

xoxo ashley

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