Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Did y'all know that my BABY sleeps in a big boy bed? He does. He's been sleeping in the bunk beds for a little more than a month now, and he's pretty much a superstar about it. Now I just need to be a superstar about getting all of mine and James' stuff out of that room so that it's completely Cullen's. It's a process.
It isn't as frequent as we would like, but we try to get in a walk around the neighborhood with Cullen during the evening. We usually see neighbors, Christmas decorations, and the occasional cat. And sometimes James finds a four foot long snake. Luckily (?), Cullen was wearing an LED headlamp that James was able to borrow. James played with the snake. I stand by my assessment that the only good snake is a dead snake. This was not a good snake.
We went to Megan and Lee's wedding. I had a ridiculous amount of fun. So did Shadow and Michael. I should post the awesomely attractive photos Shadow took of herself with my phone, but I won't do that to her. Not yet. 
This is the closest James and I got to taking a picture together. At least the bride and groom are in it, too! 
Zoo lights was a really fun experience. It was neat to see the animals at night, and the lights were really beautiful. I'm so excited to get Cullen out to the Trail of Lights in Austin this year. My boys had fun with the animal-shaped snake light.  
I got in a little bit of early Christmas shopping with Cullen. And by early, I mean that I was finishing up before Thanksgiving. Cullen was the best little bag carrier ever. He's going to make a great husband someday. 
As a reward, I let him play at the mall playground for half an hour. Here I learned that "adult supervision required" is an easily misinterpreted statement.  
The weekend after Thanksgiving, James pulled out the pit for some BBQ. While in the front yard, we saw one of our sweet neighbors out for a walk with her four boys. Cullen took the oldest boys out for a spin. 
Y'all see a dolphin in this picture, right? Nope? Me either. But that's what Cullen was painting. The imagination he has is astounding.  
xoxo ashley

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